Race Results 2023 Jan 20 - Award at the Standup
Saturday January 20th saw 7 boats and many happy competitors on the line for a Triangle race in sunny skies and 15 knots of breeze!
Awards were presented later in the day at the Saturday Stand-Up.
1st Place (and Line Honors) - Hope, Thomas Ahrens
2nd Place (& most crew!)- Zephyr, Chuck Leonard
3rd Place - Bumblebee, John Delf
Honorable mention to Lai Leki, Scooter; for their shorthanded prowess.
Races cannot happen without dedicated volunteers.
Signal Boat: John & Kate Barr, Di Hunter, Ed Hayes, Roger Erickson
Mark 1: Stafford and Jim
Mark 2: Joe and Beth O'Neal
See you in February for Race 2 - Scott Collinson, RC Chair.
Scott Collinson, HTSC Race Committee Chair